Struggling to niche your course business?

> You hate the restless feelings as you fret over your endless to-dos.

> You thought you had course course niche locked down, but now you realise it was just your topic.

> All the market research strategies are completely overwhelming. You're feeling stuck, stressed and confused about how to discover your niche.

> As you glance around, you can't help but ponder: "how do those other course creators effortlessly nail their profitable course niche?"

How to get started today

1: watch the free masterclass

Unlock the secrets to finding your profitable course niche without ever second-guessing your course business again.

2: enroll

Get instant access to our program including our premium bonus package.

3: get results

Dive into the content, connect with your coach (me!), and meet all your new course business friends.

How it all started...

I had made a terrible mistake.

I’d always dreamed of building a successful online business that gave me the freedom to live exactly the life I wanted. For a long time, I was like most people and thought creating products and content were the keys to doing just that. 

I spent years hustling to make my dream a reality - working around the clock, creating course after course, selling them on multiple platforms and marketplaces, and selling digital products when my course sales were dropping to try and push my revenue back up.

I’ll never forget the day that everything changed.

Amidst a bustling launch, I found myself engrossed in reworking a hefty 20 pages of copy and a comprehensive 30-day, 2 reels-a-day content plan – for the fifth time that very day. Just then, the phone chimed with a call from my consultant.

It was meant to be a hospital test day, clearly marked on my calendar. Yet, my attention had been so ensnared by work that I had completely zoned out from everything else. My crucial appointment had slipped my mind. In that instant, a thought echoed:

"If this is the reality of starting an online business, then I am ready to call it quits."

The memory of the consultant's voice lingers – a mixture of disappointment and concern. We had waited eight long months for this vital day. "You forgot about your own well-being," her words struck like a blow. She was right, and I felt a profound sense of shame.

If you've ever experienced a similar situation, you'll empathise with the swirl of emotions that ensue – the gut-wrenching mix of embarrassment and remorse when someone in authority gently admonishes you are not "adulting" well enough. Yet, it was this potent cocktail of emotions that jolted me into the realisation that radical change was overdue.

When it finally clicked, my mind was blown.

Just when I felt prepared to walk away from everything, I met someone who changed the course of my future - not a business coach but a professor! I was their research assistant and they taught me how to "really" find the truth in the claims online business make, how to assess the markets, and identify profitable gaps.

My mind was blown. How was it possible that I had missed out this step in my own business?!

Then it clicked.

I had been so focused within my "zone of genius" that I had jumped right into creating the course, making it full and fun for my students, that when it came to marketing my course, I had no idea who my ideal students were, how to find them, how my course could help me and even if my branding would appeal to them.

As my Nanny would of said - I had put the "cart before the horse"-wise words

Now I had found a new way to build a course business - from the niche up! One that allowed me to stop second guessing my decisions, spend more time on driving sales, and much needed time with my loved ones at the same time as scaling my business, in a way that was strategic and sustainable.

My secret method for niching your online course business?

The process that has worked for me and 100’s of other course creators is called The Niche for Success Method and it's only fully available inside my group coaching program, Niche For Success®.

The N.I.C.H.E Method consists of the five essential pillars to building a finding your profitable online course niche. The key is that it takes all five pillars working together to truly niche for success and build a profitable course business that generates revenue with ease and creates long lasting happy students.

Without this, you will likely be working way too much, doubting your course daily, lost on who your ideal customers are, where to find them, no free time, wayyyy to many tabs open in your brain, not to mention the inconsistent revenue and thoughts of giving it all up.

The 'Niche for Success Method' paved my way to realising my vision – constructing a successful online course business, securing dependable, scalable earnings, and affording me the luxury of being wholly present for both myself and my loved ones.

If you're eager to delve into our unique approach and replicate this triumph for your own online course business, I invite you to join a complimentary masterclass I've meticulously curated. Just a click below to secure your spot!